Peer Support During Ramadan – Student Reflection

Peer support during Ramadan was a fun and spiritual experience for everyone.

We first shared an amazing Iftar during the holiday with our peer leaders and friends where we had an eye opening presentation. This was followed by a Ramadan calendar book designed by one of our peer leaders to help us keep track of our good deeds along with self-reflection and how to become a better person spiritually.

For the remainder of Ramadan, we got to share extra time with our peer leaders, and got to complete more homework and received support both spiritually and academically. We also had the opportunity to play many fun brain teasing games, shared many laughs together and overall got to interact with each other a lot more.

Thanks to Ms Burcu, we got to order MKS, HSP and got to enjoy bubble tea from Chatime. While Ramadan might be over, the memories, laughs and iftars we shared together will always remain in our hearts and will continue on with Peer Support.

Peer Support students

Fatima Qureshi- 7A